Exploring the limits of The Random Rays Method for multi-physics modelling

The Random Rays Method (TRRM) has been developed in recent years and shows significant promise with regards to the efficiency of computational reactor simulations. The method has demonstrated fast convergence rates and lower memory requirements for simple neutronics problems, but it has not yet been explored in the context of realistic reactor simulations. The aim of this project is to couple TRRM to multi-physics solvers, such as thermal hydraulics and fuel depletion, and to apply it to problems of increasing complexity. This will be done in order to determine the full extent of the advantages of the method, and to see how it compares to other methods currently in use, such as Monte Carlo and deterministic solvers

This project is being delivered via an PhD studentship supported by an EPSRC Industrial CASE award, and Jacobs Clean Energy. The project team are Lucy Bland and Eugene Shwageraus

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