Emma Horton

Emma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Warwick.


After obtaining her MMath at the University of Bath in 2016, Emma completed a PhD in Probability Theory (also at Bath) on the stochastic analysis of neutron transport, working alongside industrial partner Jacobs. She then spent one year as a postdoc at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France before moving to Bordeaux in 2020 as chargée de recherche with the Inria project team ASTRAL. Before moving to Warwick, Emma was a Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne.


Emma’s research interests include branching processes, stochastic representations of integro-differential equations, interacting particle systems, stability analysis of semigroups and particle filters. She has a particular interest in applying the aforementioned research areas to industrial problems, having worked on problems arising in radiation transport, cell division, endangered species and multi-object target tracking.

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