Geoff Parks

Geoff Parks received his BA in Engineering in 1984 and his PhD in Nuclear Engineering in 1989, both from the University of Cambridge. He is now a Professor of Nuclear Engineering at Cambridge.


Geoff heads the Computational Design Group in the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre, which researches into the application of advanced optimisation methods to difficult real-world problems in a wide variety of application areas including aerodynamic, nuclear and structural engineering, in the development and application of multiobjective optimisation methods, and in the effective exploitation and integration of optimisation methods within the Engineering Design process.


Geoff is also a member of the Nuclear Energy research group in the Engineering Department which focuses on the analysis and design of potential future nuclear reactor systems and fuel cycles, especially from the reactor physics, thermal-hydraulic and fuel management perspectives. The group has particular interests in future power generation technologies, in the development of reactor modelling methods, and in other applications of reactor technology: civil marine propulsion, radioisotope generation, and space applications.

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